
5 Realms of Understanding

5 different ways in which we comprehend new information. 5 being the lowest, most cynical, and complete lack of understanding. 1 is a combination of your conscious self and your higher self working together in union.

Adversarial Elements

A low vibrating non-spirited bodied energy. Tries to distract you from joy by affecting your mood.


Your body has a beautiful and unique ability to give off vibrations that manifest into color. For AURA, I look through your Etheric, Emotional, and Mental Body. These are your day-to-day moods and emotions.

For SOUL SKIN, I look into your Celestial and Causal Body. These colors are represented by “Who” you are when in your highest frequency and worth.

Buffer Spirit

Passed loved ones that have a direct connection to you. Not always blood-related to you. These are spirits that follow you very closely.

COnscious Self

Awareness of one's self and self-consciousness. The consciousness that is connected to the ego and our natural human brain.


Energetic cords to your family, children, parents, and loved ones. Cords offer information that connects to past and future timelines.


Connected to Cleromancy. Utilizing crystals to see outcomes, timelines, and reveal other destinies willed by your high-self.

Dominant Guardian

The guardian that feels the most authority for you when you are in a specific phase of your life. You will have many dominant guardians during the course of your life span.

Empathic Expression

I have a measurement system for identifying your unique form of Empathy. Some forms may include: Physical Empathy, Emotional Empathy, Delayed Empathy, Wounded Empathy, Fixer Empathy, and much more.

Energetic Lineage Lines

Energetic lines that run off of a person’s shoulders, back, and head. Each line connects to a generation on your mother’s or father’s side and gives more insight on who is sending a message.

Energetic S.O.S.

A strong emotional feeling that we express and is heard in various dimensions. This signal is picked up on by your Dominant Guardian, Guides, and other highly intuitive and psychic people.


A passed spirit that has a connection to you regardless of your knowledge of who they are or what the relation is. They will be within your ancestral line.


Authoritative energy that desires to guide you through various choices. Non-spirit bodied.

Higher Self

Eternal, conscious, omnipotent, large soul energy that is highly intelligent and your true non-human form.

Highway of Dimensions

The infinite pathways that surround everything. Vibrant dimensions that move around every living, and even non-living, thing.

Intuitive Abilities

These are your heightened senses that are working in your favor. Some we are aware of. Always, there will be intuitive abilities we possess that we are completely unaware of. Instead of looking for the usual 4 ways to be intuitive, I am able to see up to 10. I run a full scan in your First Session.


The actions that we participate in within this existence, and previous existences that contribute to the design of our fates and future lives.


All five of these terminologies relate to the same thing. Your connection to life that has already happened and your connection to life that has yet to happen.

Light Code

This is your true soul's design; the actual work that your soul was predestined to do, not just on this earthly plane, but in other beautiful light-filled dimensions. They appear as a network of codes that are connected to you.


There are many kinds of portals. The portals I identify in a session are the ones that we self-create. This happens through positive and negative energy. A portal might attach itself to you and continue to bring in certain energies that are attracted to the vibration you are giving off. An example would be if something horrific happened in an area, and a portal opens as a result of the concentrated energies. A vortex can be similar but is much larger and is made by nature. A vortex also has an energy that comes and goes. Examples of a vortex would be The Bermuda Triangle.

Snake Energy

Serpent like energy that is produced and directed towards another individual. This happens when a person is feeling cruel, negative, low-vibrating, angry, jealous, or irritable. This energy is meant to be hurtful to another’s self-esteem.


Various outcomes based on the choices we make in our present moment. This branches off into “higher” and “lower” timelines. Higher being a timeline that brings more long-lasting clarity and joy, and “lower” is a timeline that negatively affects our mood and personality.

Tree Spirit

Nature energy that speaks through plant life.


A release of old energetic ties.